The internet has become a very powerful tool for communication and information over the years. The power of the web is felt more today in this world for its negative effects through the evil words and pictures that destroy the minds and lives of people who get caught in its net.
However, Trinity Word Church is playing a part in the positive uses of the internet by spreading a light of truth which removes all darkness and evil. We are sharing the word of God, which is the manna from Heaven that gives everlasting joy and leads to eternal life. The word of the one and only God says “I am the way, the truth and life”- John 14:6. The word of truth has the power to set us free from all sin and evil so that we are able to receive God’s blessings.
Trinity Word Church has established “Mercy Drops” for people of all nations. Every day a short message titled “Mercy Drops” is being e-mailed in English to many people throughout the world. The message consists of a specific verse from the Bible as the words of inspiration for the day. A short explanation is given about the verse, what it promises and what our actions and thoughts should be in order for us to inherit the blessings that are mentioned in the verse. The message ends with a simple prayer to help connect with God, to receive His grace which is new every morning and to prepare us for the day ahead.
If you are interested in receiving Thought for the day each morning, kindly click on the “sign up” link at the bottom of this page and provide us with your details and you will immediately be added to our mailing list and we will send you God’s word of inspiration everyday.
We also invite you to share the experiences you have obtained with your family and friends, by informing them about Thought for the Day, so that they may share in the countless blessings of the Lord Almighty
The Internet Ministry continues to grow by the grace of God and now offers powerful video messages and prayers from Rev. Dr S. Daniel and Dr Mrs Ramani Daniel online. These brief messages on the word of God are filled with blessings and hope. This can be viewed by the Video Message and Audio Message link on our home page.
Trinity Word Church has entered into a new Chapter in this digital age through “Nithya Jeevan” our 24-hour online radio accessible to everyone in every corner of the world through Computer and Smart Devices. Nithya Jeevan is spreading the word of God through powerful messages and prayers in English and Tamil, through hymns and songs of praise and worship in Tamil, English, Malayalam and Singhalese. Click on the link to listen now.