Trinity Word Church is the First and only official Tamil Church in Australia. We are a Full Gospel Church located in the heart of Parramatta, New South Wales. Trinity Word Church was founded by Rev. Dr Sobitha Kumar Daniel and Dr Mrs Ramani Daniel on 15th of March 1998. Since then Rev. Dr S. Daniel and Dr Mrs Ramani Daniel have been ministering unto the Tamil people of Australia. The church meets regularly at Rosehill Public School Auditorium, Prospect Street- Rosehill, New South Wales – Australia.
About The Founders
Trinity Word Church
Rev. Dr. Sobitha Kumar Daniel

Rev. Dr. Sobitha Kumar Daniel is one chosen of God, anointed, ordained and appointed to lead His people and to minister unto them. He has been granted with assurance and conviction that the Lord who has chosen him is with him in the Ministry. He performs this Ministry in accordance with his Lord’s call and for the well being of his people. The Good News that the Lord urges him to proclaim is the Full Redemption of man from every bondage that he is suffering from. Rev. Dr. S. Daniel has been chosen by God to proclaim the “good news to the poor, liberty to the captives, recovery of the sight to the blind, freedom to the oppressed and to announce that the time has come when the Lord will save his people and this he does all this in the footsteps of his Master.
He has been in the path of Ministry since 1987. He continues to carry on this Ministry, together with his wife Dr. Mrs. Ramani and children, through ministering and not being ministered unto, being loving and kind, understanding and sympathetic, accessible and available in a wonderful spirit of care and concern for those in need and in difficulty both in and out of his fold.
The Full Gospel is one that brings liberty and freedom in the physical, mental, moral, social and religious realms of human life. It is this ministry that Rev. Dr. S. Daniel is aware of and is called upon by the Lord to perform in His name. His powerful sermons, convincing preaching , supported by miraculous answers to his prayers along with his exemplary humbleness, simple life witnessing are the factors that draw people to his church. He lives by what he preaches.
People have found in their own experience that the time they spend with the Lord in this church is a time of blessing, of joy and rejuvenation in their body, mind and spirit.
Dr. Mrs. Ramani Daniel

Dr. Mrs. Ramani Daniel stands alongside Rev. Dr S. Daniel as they share the
messages of God’s love and proclaim the good news to all mankind. In
accordance with the call of God upon her life, Dr. Mrs. Ramani Daniel preaches
the message of Salvation and the Power of Prayer to all the earth. Her sermons
touch the lives of multitudes each day. Her heartfelt prayers and words of love
and compassion bring healing, hope and victory.
Dr Mrs Ramani Daniel has a strong desire for the youth and families. She
shares her life experiences and teaches the importance and application of
effective prayer in establishing successful lives and growing families in the way
of the Lord. She leads by example, through her life of prayer, by seeking first
the kingdom of God and his righteousness.
Every ministry of Trinity Word Church has been established through fasting,
prayers, dedication, commitment and hard work of Rev. Dr S. Daniel and Dr.
Mrs. Ramani Daniel. Each Ministry is spreading the Word and love of God to
the ends of the world. The Daniels continue to work together to share the love
of God with people from each and every walk of life. It is their desire that
everyone should know and experience the love and compassion of God and
hear the message of Salvation that comes only through Christ Jesus.